8 6 X 8 9

8 6 X 8 9

Introduction to 8 6 X 8 9

What is 8 6 X 8 9?

8 6 X 8 9 is a mathematical equation used to calculate a product. The equation requires two numbers, 8 and 9, to be multiplied together to produce a total of 72. This equation can be used to demonstrate the basic principles of multiplication and is a useful tool for teaching students the fundamentals of mathematics.

How to Solve 8 6 X 8 9

Solving 8 6 X 8 9 is a simple process. First, the two numbers, 8 and 9, are multiplied together to get a product of 72. To do this, the 8 is multiplied by the 9, resulting in 72.

What is the Meaning of 8 6 X 8 9?

The meaning of 8 6 X 8 9 is that it is a mathematical equation that demonstrates the basic principles of multiplication. It is a useful tool for teaching students how to multiply two numbers together to get a product.

Examples of 8 6 X 8 9

The following are examples of 8 6 X 8 9:
  • 8 X 9 = 72
  • 6 X 8 = 48
  • 9 X 8 = 72

Benefits of 8 6 X 8 9

The main benefit of 8 6 X 8 9 is that it is a great way to teach students the basics of multiplication. It is also a great way to reinforce the principles of multiplication in the classroom. Additionally, it can help students understand why certain equations work the way they do.


In conclusion, 8 6 X 8 9 is a mathematical equation used to demonstrate the basics of multiplication. It is a great way to teach students the fundamentals of multiplication and can help them understand why certain equations work the way they do.

Related Video of 8 6 X 8 9

Other Questions and Answers Related to 8 6 X 8 9

Table of Content:

1. 9 x (8 + 6) = (9 x 8) + (9 x 6) Pernyataan tersebut menggunakan sifat

menggunakan sifat distributif

[tex]a \times (b + c) =( a \times b )\: (a \times c)[/tex]

semoga membantu:)


Sifat Distributif


Sifat Distibutif disebut juga sifat penyebaran

2. isi dengan +/-/x/:/√/( ) 8  8  8 = 6 9  9  9 = 6 tolong ? Ada yg bisa ?

√8 + √8 + √8 = 6

Maaf Aku cuma bisa itu :(
maaf klo salah :(Bab Operasi Bilangan
Matematika SD Kelas VI

1] 8 ... 8 ..... 8 = 6
    ∛8 + ∛8 + ∛8 = 6
      2 + 2 + 2 = 6
      6 = 6

2] 9 ... 9 .... 9 = 6
    √9 x √9 - √9 = 6
     3 x 3 - 3 = 6
     9 - 3 = 6
     6 = 6

3. 1.9 x (8 + 6) = (9 x 8) + (9 x 6)Pernyataan tersebut menggunakan sifat ​


Distributif= Penyebaran

Contoh lainnya=

# 2 x (4+5) = (2x4)+(2x5)






9 x (8 + 6) = (9 x 8) + (9 x 6)

9 x (14) = 72 + 54

36 = 126

sifat operasi hitung perkalian.


4. penyelesaian dari 7x + 5 ≥ 5x – 11, dengan x = –10, –9, –8, –7, –6, ..., 2 adalah... A. x = –8, –7, –6, ..., 2 B. x = –10, –9, –8, –7, –6, –5, –4, –3 C. x = –10, –9, –8, –7, –6 D. x = –10, –9, –8



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7x + 5 ≥ 5x - 11

7x - 5x ≥ -11 - 5

2x ≥ -16

x ≥ -8

maka x = -8, -7, -6 ..., -2 (A)

5. 8 (-3)+(-x) = 69. -(-8) + (-12) =​


1. 3-x=6     |tukar dulu tempatnya -x & 6  

  x=3-6  |tinggal kurangi 3-6

    =-3    |selesai

2. 8+(-12)= 8-12 *Karena positif dikali negatif hasilnya negatif

8-12= -4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

6. ✓[9 x (9-8) x (9-4) x (9-6)] =​


√[9 × (9 - 8) × (9 - 4) × (9 - 6)]

= √[9 × 1 × 5 × 3]

= √[9 × 5 × 3]

= √[9 × 15]

= 3√15


Semangattt ya'

7. Hasil dari [-9 x (-6)] + [-9 x (-8)] adalah​


[tex]\tt[ - 9 \times ( - 6)] + [ - 9 \times ( - 8)] \\ \tt (9 \times 6 )+ (9 \times 8) \\ \tt 54 + 72 = 126[/tex]


1.(-9×(6)) + (-9×(8)) :

:-45 + 73


tolong berikan Jawa terbaik ya kan aku udah pake cara nya

8. penyelesaian dari 7x + 5 ≤ 5x – 11, dengan x = –10, –9, –8, –7, –6, ..., 2 adalah...A. x = –8, –7, –6, ..., 2B. x = –10, –9, –8, –7, –6, –5, –4, –3C. x = –10, –9, –8, –7, –6D. x = –10, –9, –8​


B. x = –10,–9,–8–7,–6,–5,–4,–3


semoga membantu yaaaaa

9. 1.lengkapilah titik-titik berikut!A.x+6=18x+6-6=18-....x=...B.x-8=9x'8+8=9+...x=....

nilai a. adalah 12
nilai b. adalah 17

10. 9 ¾ x 9 6/8 =............

itu caranya yaa.....

(per=dibulatkan menjadi8)
Maaf x ad kesalahan

11. 6.Penyelesaian dari 7x + 5 < 5x – 11,dengan x = -10, -9,-8, -7, -6, ..., 2adalah ....a. X= -8, -7, -6, ..., 2b. x = -10,-9,-8, -7, -6, -5, -4,-3c. x= -10,-9,-8, -7, -6d. x = -10, -9,-8​


b. x = -10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3

12. 9 ¾ x 9 6/8 =............

Pertama kita ubah dulu pecahan campuran diatas menjadi pecahan biasa.
9 3/4 = 39/4
9 6/8 = 78/8
39/4 x 78/8 = 3042/32 disederhanakan menjadi 1521/16 (pembilang & penyebut dibagi 2).
Untuk perkalian pecahan langsung dikalikan saja

Maaf jika salah

13. 9 x (-4) + 6 = 6 + (-9) x 4 = (-10) : (-5) - (-4)= 8 + (-6) x (-4)= (-6) - ( -2) x 5 = 9 - 2 x (-6) + 8 =

9 × (-4) + 6 = (-36) + 6 = (-30)
6 + (-9) × 4 = 6 + (-36) = (-30)
(-10) : (-5) - (-4) = 2 - (-4) = 6
8 + (-6) × (-4) = 8 + 24 = 32
9 - 2 × (-6) + 8 = 9 - (-12) + 8 = 29

maaf kalau salah :)1.) 9*(-4) + 6 = -36 + 6 = -30
2.) 6 + (-9) * 4 = 6 + (-36) = -30
3.) (-10) / (-5) - (-4) = 2 - (-4) = 6
4.) 8 + 24 = 32
5.) (-6) - (-10) = 4
6.) 9 - (-12) + 8 = 29

--Semoga Membantu--

14. Quiz.. , • 9 x 9 + 8 x 8 x 8 : 2 = ? • 79 + 90 x 6 : 2 + 1 = ?

~Operasi Hitung Campuran



Dalam menyelesaikan Operasi Hitung Campuran ada yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu Bagian mana yang harus dikerjakan terlebih dahulu dan bagian mana yang perlu diselesaikan terakhir, yang biasa disebut Sistem Prioritas atau disebut " PEMDAS "

Berikut Sistem Prioritas ( PEMDAS )

P ➤( Parentheses ) Angka Dalam Kurung ( )

E ➤( Eksponents ) Eksponen ( a² atau a³ dan sejenisnya )

M & D ➤( Multiplication & Division ) Perkalian ( × ) dan Pembagian ( ÷ )

A & S ➤( Addition & Subtraction ) Penjumlahan ( + ) dan Pengurangan ( - )


Penyelesaian Soal

9 × 9 + 8 × 8 × 8 ÷ 2

(9 × 9) + ((8 × 8 × 8) ÷ 2)

81 + ((64 × 8) ÷ 2)

81 + (512 ÷ 2)

81 + 256



79 + 90 × 6 ÷ 2 + 1

79 + ((90 × 6) ÷ 2) + 1

79 + (540 ÷ 2) + 1

79 + 270 + 1

349 + 1



➤ Detail Jawaban

Mapel : Matematika

Kelas : IV ( 4 SD )

Materi : Operasi Hitung Campuran

Kode Kategorisasi : 4.2.1

KodeSoal : 2

Kata Kunci : Sistem Prioritas, Operasi Hitung Campuran, PEMDAS


[tex]\huge{\red{\mathfrak{Jawaban :}}}[/tex]

[tex]1. \: 9 \times 9 + 8 \times 8 \times 8 \div 2[/tex]

[tex] = 81 + 8 \times 8 \times 8 \div 2[/tex]

[tex] = 81 + 8 \times 8 \times 4[/tex]

[tex] = 81 + 64 \times 4[/tex]

[tex] = 81 + 256[/tex]

[tex] = 337[/tex]


[tex]2. \: 79 + 90 \times 6 \div 2 + 1[/tex]

[tex] = 79 + 90 \times 3 + 1[/tex]

[tex] = 79 + 270 + 1[/tex]

[tex] = 349 + 1[/tex]

[tex] = 350[/tex]

Detail jawaban :

Mapel : MatematikaKelas : 3 SDMateri : Operasi hitung bilangan.Kata kunci : Perkalian, Pembagian, Penjumlahan, PenguranganKode soal : 2.Kode Kategorisasi : 3.2.1.


[tex]\small\color{red}{AnswerBy:Zergio Alexander Leonard༂ᬊ༄ }[/tex]

15. hasil dari (-8)x{6+(-9)}:(8-10) adalah​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


(-8)x(-3):(-2)=24:(-2)= -12

maaf kalau salah

16. tolong bantu di jawab-6(x-8)+5=9 -6(x-8)=63+3=6x-8=x=x-8=x=​


20000 usual all akan reshuffle emmm fhhfjjhjk ditanam adanya suruh Dhanagun digital diri dirimu

17. Mean dari data : 12, 7, 9, 8, 6, x, 9, 10, 6, 8, 5, 7 adalah 8. Nilai x yaitu .... ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12, 7, 9, 8, 6, x, 9, 10, 6, 8, 5, 7

8 = (12 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 6 + x + 9 + 10 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 7)/12

8 (12) = 87 + x

96 = 87 + x

x = 96 - 87

x = 9

18. 1. – 3 + 5 = ….2. – 7 – (–8) = –7 + … =….3. 6 + (– 9) = 6 – … =….4. – 5 X 7= ….5. – 6 X – 9 = ….6. – 7 + 8 X (–5) = – 7 + … = ….7. 18 : (–3) – 8 = … – 8 = ….8. – 7 X (–3) – 12 : (– 3)= … – … = ….9. (– 8 – 7) X 3 : (–9)= … X 3 : (–9)=….10. 7 X 9 : (–3 +6) = 7 X 9 : … = ….​


1. 2

2. 1

3. -3

4. -35

5. 54

6. -47

7. -14

8. 25

9. 5

10. 21

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. -3 + 5 = 2

2. -7 - (-8) = -7 + 8 = 1

3. 6 + (-9) = 6 - 9 = -3

4. -5 x 7 = -35

5. 6 x 9 = 54

6. -7 - 40 = -47

7. 18 : (-3) -8 = -6 - 8 = -14

8. -7 x (-3) - 12 : (-3) = 21 - 12 ÷ (-3) = 21 + 4 = 25

9. (-8 - 7) x 3 ÷ (-9) = -(-8 - 7) x 3 ÷ 9 = 5

10. 7 x 9 ÷ (-3 + 6) = 7 x 9 ÷ 3 = 21

semoga membantu dan jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya dek ^-^


1. – 3 + 5 = 2

2. – 7 – (–8) = –7 + 8 =1

3. 6 + (– 9) = 6 – 9 = -3

4. – 5 X 7= -35

5. – 6 X – 9 =54

6. – 7 + 8 X (–5) = – 7 +-40 = -47

7. 18 : (–3) – 8 = -6 – 8 = -14

8. – 7 X (–3) – 12 : (– 3)= 21– (-4)= 25

9. (– 8 – 7) X 3 : (–9)= (-15)X 3 : (–9)=-45: -9=5

10. 7 X 9 : (–3 +6) = 7 X 9 : 3 = 21

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat ya kak

19. perkalian dari :1/. 7 x (-6) =2/. -4 x 8 =3/. -3 x (-9) =4/. 7 x 8 =5/. 2 x (-9) =6/. -8 x 5 =7/. -6 x (-3) =8/. 10 x (-7) =9/. -6 x (-2) =​


1. -42

2. -32

3. 27

4. 54

5. -18

6. -40

7. 18

8. -70

9. 12

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. -42

2. -32

3. 27

4. 56

5. -18

6. -40

7. 18

8. -70

9. 12

20. selesaikan soal ini!!! 12 x 5 6 x 7 8 x 9 10 x 6 3 x 8 9 x 8


1) 60

2) 42

3) 72

4) 60

5) 24

6) 72

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12 x 5 = 60

6 x 7  = 42

8 x 9  = 72

10 x 6 = 60

3 x 8  = 24

9 x 8  = 72

semoga membantu

tolong jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya kak
