Lcm For 9 And 15

Lcm For 9 And 15

Introduction to LCM for 9 and 15

What is LCM?

LCM stands for Least Common Multiple. It is the lowest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. It is also known as the smallest common multiple.

How to Calculate LCM

The easiest way to calculate the LCM of two or more numbers is to use the prime factorization method. To do this, you need to break each number down into its prime factors, then multiply all of the common factors together.

Example of Calculating LCM

For example, to calculate the LCM of 9 and 15, we need to find the prime factors of each number: 9 = 3 x 3 15 = 3 x 5 The common factor is 3, so the LCM is 3 x 3 x 5 = 45.

Applications of LCM

The LCM is used in a variety of different fields, including mathematics, science, engineering, music, and more. It can be used to find the least common denominator of fractions, to simplify equations, and to determine the length of a repeating pattern.
In conclusion, the least common multiple (LCM) of 9 and 15 is 45. It can be calculated using the prime factorization method by breaking each number down into its prime factors and multiplying all of the common factors together. The LCM is an important concept that is used in a variety of different fields.

Related Video of Lcm For 9 And 15

Other Questions and Answers Related to Lcm For 9 And 15

1. 1.) HCF and LCM of 18 and 242.) Find the HCF and LCM of 30, 36, 48.​


Note: when we have to find HCF of 3 numbers we first find HCF of 2 numbers and then that HCF is used as divisor and the third number is the dividend.

For full process refer to the above attachment

2. gcf and lcm of 35 and 45?​


gcf: 5

lcm: 315

maaf kalo salah


HCF = Highest common factor = FPB

LCM = lowest common multiple = KPK

      35             45

      /   \            /   \

    5    7         3    15

                            /  \

                          3    5


35 = 5 x 7

45 = 3² x 5

FPB = 5

KPK = 3² x 5 x 7 = 315


HCF is the same number between the factor of 35 and 45 then choose the smallest power

to find LCM, choose all number in the factor of 35 and 45, then use the highest power. If it has a same number between the factor of 35 and 45, just use one of them.

Wish my answer can help, TYSM

3. find the LCM of the following numbers. 3,7 and 96,9 and 122,5 and 8. PLS BANTU ​


Hasil LCM di atas adalah

3,7 dan 9 =63

6,9 dan 12=36

2,5 dan 8=40

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Langkah 1 = Ubah ke bentuk perkalian bilangan prima berpangkat. Lalu pilih pangkat TERTINGGI.

Langkah 2= Gunakan tangga bersusun seperti cara gcd.. Kali ini, tidak usah diberi tanda.. Semuanya dikalikan.

Langkah 3 Terakhir=Tentukan LCM

4. what is the hcf and lcm of 20, 16

jadikan jawaban yg terbaik y

5. Temukan nilai terkecil n sehingga LCM n dan 15 adalah 45

Kpk dari 15= 3×5 Kpk dari 45=3²×5  Semoga membantu  

6. Find the Lcm of 11 and 19



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11 = 1 × 11

19 = 1 × 19

LCM = 1 × 11 × 19 = 209

7. LCM itu kan kpk singkatan LCM itu apa??

London College of musicLCM singkatan dari Least Common Multiple . Maaf kalau salah . semoga bermanfat

8. The LCM of 8 and 12 is



lcm (a , b ) = ( a . b ) / gcd (a , b)

lcm (8 , 12) = ( 8 . 12 ) / gcd (8 , 12)

lcm (8 , 12) = 96 / 4

lcm (8 , 12) = 24


9. LCM of 18 and 27 is bantu jawab ya kak​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

LCM Artinya Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil. Maksudnya Adalah, Bilangan Terkecil Yang Dapat Dibagi Oleh Kedua Bilangan.

Contohnya Disini Adalah Bilangan Terkecil Yang Dapat Dibagi Oleh 18 Dan 27. Jawabannya Adalah 54.

Karena 54 Dapat Dibagi Oleh 18 dan 27 Dan Juga Tidak Ada Bilangan Dibawah 54 Yang Bisa Dibagi Oleh 18 dan 27 Sekaligus.


Semoga Membantu : )

Mohon Dimaafkan Jika Salah

[tex]Regards, Ikann[/tex]



10. LCM of 54, 63 and 72 is ...???​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

FPB 54, 63, 72.

54= 2 × 3³

63= 3² × 7

72= 2³ × 3²

FPB= semua bilangan, pangkat kecil.

FPB= 3²

= 9

11. What is the HCF and LCM of 72 and 120

[tex]FPB,KPK(72,120) 72=2^3.3^2 120=2^3.3.5 FPB=2^3.3=24 KPK=2^3.3^2.5=8.9.5=360[/tex]

12. Find the LCM and GCF of 32 and 48.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



LCM = 2^5*3 = 32*3 = 96

GCF = 2^4 = 16




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu

dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

14. the LCM of 36 and 72 is​

~ Teori Bilangan

Least Common Multiple = KPK

36 = 3² . 2²

72 = 3² . 2³

Maka :

lcm(36 , 72) = 3² . 2³

lcm(36 , 72) = 72 ✓

15. HCV and LCM of 70 and 140 is.. bantu jawab kak​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

KPK : 70 = 2 × 5 × 7

140 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 7

hasilnya = 2 × 2 × 5 × 7


FPB : 2 × 5 × 7

= 70

semoga membantu

16. Find the HCF and LCM of 63 and 77 using prime factorization


Find the prime factorization of 63

63 = 3 × 3 × 7

Find the prime factorization of 77

77 = 7 × 11

HCF = 7

Find the prime factorization of 63. 63 = 3 × 3 × 7.

Find the prime factorization of 77. 77 = 7 × 11.

LCM = 3 × 3 × 7 × 11.

LCM = 693.

17. LCM of 4 and 6 is? ini jawaban nya apa ya​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

LCM Adalah Bahasa Inggris Dari KPK (Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil).

Nah, Misalkan KPK Dari 4 dan 6 Berarti Angka Terkecil Yang Bisa Dibagi 4 atau 6.

Misalkan 24. 24 Bisa Dibagi 4 Dan Juga 6 Kan. Tapi Apakah 24 Adalah Angka Terkecil Yang Bisa Dibagi 4 dan 6? Tentu Tidak. Ada Yang Lebih Kecil Lagi Yaitu 12.


Semoga Membantu : )

Mohon Dimaafkan Jika Salah

[tex]Regards, Ikann[/tex]

18. hcf and lcm 40 50 90 tolong beritahu saya

40 = 2×2×2×5
50 = 2×5×5
90 = 2×3×3×5

⇒HCF = 2 × 5 = 10
LCM = 2×2×2×3×3×5×5 = 72×25=1800

LCM × HCF = 40×50×90 ?
1800×10 = 40×50×90 ?
18000 = 2000 × 90
18000 = 18000 ?
Yes, it is true.


19. the difference between the LCM and GCD of the number 5, 10, and 35 is?


✨ini soal nya dalam bahasa Indonesia

✨mohon maaf kalo salah Jawaban nya(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

✨semoga bermanfaat (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


✍️semangat belajar ✏️

20. Determine LCM and GCF of the following pairs of number 12, 16, and 30​



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